538S unit, note that for cooling operation below 55 F (538A,
538B) or 0°F (538S), it is necessary to equip the outdoor unit
with the low ambient control (538A, 538B) or winter start
(538S) accessory.
To install this system, you will need:
• 619E cooling only or heat pump fan coil unit(s)* with
standard wireless remote controller
• 538A, 538B, or 538S outdoor unit
• accessory low-ambient control or winter start kit (if re-
quired for your application)
* More than one fan coil unit may be used with the 538S
multi-split units. Refer to 538S system Trade Prices for full
Refrigerant pipe, drain pipe, wire, etc., are also re-
quired to install unit and are field supplied.
Be sure you have the required parts before beginning instal-
lation. The 619E unit utilizes a microprocessor control sys-
tem to deliver optimum levels of comfort and efficiency. Be
sure to follow these instructions carefully to obtain proper
functioning of the unit.
A. Unpack Unit
Store unit in the original packaging until it is moved to the
final site for installation. When removing unit from carton,
lift by its 4 corners. Also, note that there is a plastic bag con-
taining mounting screws taped to the mounting bracket.
B. Inspect Shipment
Upon receipt of shipment, check unit (Fig. 1) for damage. For-
ward claim papers directly to the transportation company.
Manufacturer is not responsible for damage incurred in
Check all items. If any item is missing, notify your distribu-
tor. To prevent loss or damage, leave all parts in original pack-
ages until installation.
Consult local building codes and National Electrical Code (NEC)
for special installation requirements.
Table 1 — System Combinations for Indoor
and Outdoor Units
High Wall Cooling Only Systems*
619E 018
619E 024
(2)619E 018
(4) 619E 018
619E 024, (2) 619E 018
(2) 619E 024
538A 018
538A 024
538S 024†
538S 048†
538S 048†
538S 048†
High Wall Heat Pump Systems**
619E 018
619E 024
538B 018
538B 024
*Using cooling-only fan coil units.
†Multi-split systems can accommodate up to 4 fan coil units of various
types with one condensing unit. The combinations listed in Table 1
are those which use only high-wall units (not in combination with any
other type of fan coil unit). Refer to system presale literature or Trade
Prices for more details.
**Using heat pump fan coil units.
NOTE: Numbers in (
) indicate quantities of more than 1.
Table 2 — Application Ranges
95 F DB
71 F WB
115 F DB
67 F DB
57 F WB
55 F DB*
0°F DB†
HEATING MODE (538B Systems Only)
80 F DB
71 F WB
75 F DB
65 F WB
55 F DB
0°F DB
— Dry Bulb
WB — Wet Bulb
*538A and 538B systems only.
†538S systems only.
NOTE: Unit may be equipped with an accessory low-ambient control
(538A, 538B) or a winter start kit (538S) that will allow operation down
to −20 F.
There are several ways the unit may be installed to different
types of wall construction. These instructions do not cover all
installation methods. As a typical installation, these instruc-
tions focus primarily on mounting the unit to wall studs in
new construction. See Fig. 2 for unit dimensions and Fig. 3
for required clearances. Plan your installation carefully be-
fore you begin. Listed below are some guidelines that should
be followed when determining location for the unit.
1. Center unit (horizontally) on the wall selected.
2. Place the unit so it faces normal location of room
3. Allow sufficient space for airflow clearance, wiring, re-
frigerant piping, and servicing unit. See Fig. 2 and 3.
4. Select walls that are:
a. Strong enough to support weight of the unit.
b. Accessible to convenient condensate drainage.
c. Free of obstacles that may block air circulation to the
fan coils.
d. Outside walls (if possible) to make piping easier.
5. Place top of fan coil unit as high on the wall as possible
making sure the unit is at least 10 in. down from ceiling
to permit proper air intake. Also, make sure that the
unit is not placed directly over anything which would
prevent filter removal or block airflow.
6. Make sure units are easily accessible to electrical power.
7. Refrigerant piping can enter the unit through the
prepunched holes. Refrigerant piping can run up or down
along the wall, to the right or left along the wall, straight
through the wall, or into the wall (Fig. 4). Once the pip-
ing is through the wall, it can run inside walls, in ceil-
ings, between floors, or straight to the outside. See
Fig. 5 for maximum line lengths.
Run refrigerant piping as directly as possible, and avoid
any unnecessary turns or bends.
8. Condensate piping can be directed through the inside
wall to an approved drain or directed straight outside.
The piping hole for condensate line must be made at
a downward slope to ensure proper drainage. See Mount Mount-
ing Bracket on wall section on page 4 for details.