case of a full display, toggling also brings the entire display of the selected host into
The selection above is not available in the IBM 3151 emulation.
Bell Length:
ms, 350 ms, 570 ms, 780 ms]
Denotes duration of bell sound.
Setup Lang:
French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese]
Affects display of setup and the status lines.
Cursor Dir:
[right to left, left to right]
This feature affects the direction in which the text is entered (defaults to right to left
when Hebrew language is chosen).
Page Length:
25, 28, 29, 42, 43, 48, 50, 56, 58, 68, 84, 86, 96, 100, 112,
116, (168), (172), (192), (200), *24, *25, *28, *29, *42, *43]
For the IBM 3151 emulation, page length choices are 24, 25, 28, 42, 43, 48,
Select the number of lines per page. As many as ten pages (0-9) may be available, but the
number of pages in memory depends on the number of lines per page, the type of
emulation, and whether 80-Only is selected for columns. The total lines used
# of Pages) will not exceed 240. See Page Configurations in Appendix A.
Page lengths which are multiples of 24 or 25 and those that are multiples of 42 or 43
are displayed by default on a 26-line or 44-line screen, respectively. Page lengths which
are multiples of 28 or 29 are displayed on a 30 line screen by default. The extra one or
two lines on the screen can be used as status lines.
The selections shown in ( ) are not available in dual session mode. If a page length
which is preceded by an asterisk (*24, *25, *28, *29, *42, or *43) is selected, the total
number of pages will be two, where the first page contains the number of lines in the
selection (24, 25, 28, 29, 42, or 43) and the second page contains the remaining
allowable lines. See Page Configurations in Appendix A.
Screen Length:
Lines, 30 Lines, 44 Lines, 52 Lines]
Select the number of lines that can be displayed on the screen at one time. The page
length affects the default screen length.
Screen Video:
[Normal, Reverse]
Choose between bright characters on a dark background (normal) and dark characters
on a bright background (reverse). In reverse video mode only, the “Enhanced
Attributes” parameter is available. See General:F2 section for more details.
Display Cursor:
Choose whether the cursor will be displayed.
Block, Steady Block, Blink Line, Steady Line]
Choose the appearance of the cursor.
Auto Adjust Cursor:
Select whether the screen attempts to follow the cursor down the page by scrolling just
enough to keep the cursor in view.