Glossary of Terms 57
Session Parameters
Session Parameters are parameters that are specific to the emulation selected in the
current session. These include three types of parameters: Setup-Edit keys, Setup, and
Setup-Edit Keys:
Function and Edit keys and the Answerback message.
Setup Parameters:
All other Setup variables that are not included in Setup
Parameters in Terminal Parameters (all global settings).
Mode Parameters:
Variables that are used by a session’s emulation, but are not
selectable through Setup. Some examples are Protect Mode, Graphics Mode, Insert
Mode, Aux Mode, Split-Screen, Transparent Mode, Character Set mappings, Setup
Language, and Sessions.
Page Reset
Page resets are executed when the session or terminal is reset or defaulted. When a page
reset is performed, it affects all pages, and the following events occur: the page is
erased, the cursor is homed, and scrolling regions are defaulted. All line attributes (such
as double-high/wide, locked lines) are reset to normal. Split screens are cleared to a
normal, single screen and protect mode is turned off.