XDL120 | User Manual
15 | 25
Data subj ect to change without notice
Bosch Connected Devi ces and Sol utions
System configuration
The system part of the config.xml determines the behavior of the data format and the autosave function.
Data format:
The XDL120 offers the possibility to either store / stream files in binary or in MessagePack format. MessagePack is an
efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON and is aimed for users
who want to integrate data from XDL120 directly into a third-party application via WLAN streaming. On the downside, it
does not allow the maximum data rate in all sensor settings and therefore increases the risk for data loss during logging.
Therefore, for the highest data rate it is recommended to disable the
tag and use the binary format.
By enabling the autosave functionality, the Data Logger / Streamer generates new log files within the set interval, which
can be set using the
tag. The value is declared in minutes using hex format. (One minute, for example,
represents the hex value 0x01). The
can be configured arbitrary from 1 min to 24 h. If autosave is disabled,
only one binary will be created containing the complete measured sensor values. Please note that this feature is only
available if the XDL120 is configured for data logging, not for streaming.
Data transfer configuration
The user can select the data transfer medium (microSD card or UDP via WLAN). By default, the data transfer medium is
the microSD card. The server IP address 6666 is predefined but can be changed if necessary.
Additionally, the configuration includes the SNTP server address, which is used to acquire an absolute time stamp. This
feature can be used independently from the mode of data transfer, but requires a one-time connection to the server via
WLAN at the startup of the application. See section 3.5.4 for WLAN configuration.
Network configuration
In order to obtain a global time stamp, or to stream sensor data via WLAN, a network configuration must be saved on the
XDK. This is done by editing the wlan.txt file shipped with the XDL120.
If "true" then Enterprise WPA connection and if "false" then Personal WPA
connection will be established
Provide your WPA SSID name
Provide your WPA username (unused if NETWORK_ENTERPRISE is
Provide your WPA password