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Translation from original instructions
5.6.3 Change in performance
In order to calculate the actual pressure drop and the consequent performance reduction coefficient, use the graph "Change
in the saturation temperature in the flow lines".
Given the cooling capacity specifications for each refrigerant circuit:
find the pressure drop per metre of length according to the diameters actually used;
multiply them by the actual equivalent length for each diameter;
- if various diameters have been used, sum the result obtained in order to obtain the total pressure drop per refrigerant
circuit (expressed in ° C);
- Based on the total pressure loss, verify the yield loss percentage and the increase of power consumption in the graph
Pay attention to size 66.3 and 82.3 whose circuits are divided according to 1/3 - 2/3.
Fig. 15 Loss of yield (curve A) and increase of power absorbed (Curve B) based on the increase of the saturated condensing temperature
If the loss exceeds 3 to 4 °C, we recommend that the remote condenser be increased by one size in order
to prevent undesired shut-downs due to the tripping of the high pressure switch in high outdoor temperature
conditions (evaluate the operating limit decrease).