We reserve the right to make changes without any prior notice.
Translation from original instructions
2.2.1 Water flow rate at the heat exchangers
It is necessary to ensure that the water flow rate during operation is the nominal flow rate of the unit stated in the Technical
In any case, refer to the specific Technical Booklet for the allowed conditions for water flow in and out of the
2.2.2 Water composition
Dissolved substances in the water can cause corrosion in the heat exchangers.
It is mandatory to make sure the parameters of the water comply with the following table:
Total hardness
2,0 ÷ 6,0 °f
Langelier index
- 0,4 ÷ 0,4
7,5 ÷ 8,5
Electrical conductivity
10÷500 µS/cm
Organic elements
Hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-)
70 ÷ 300 ppm
Sulphates (SO42-)
< 50 ppm
Hydrogen carbonate / Sulphates (HCO3-/SO42-)
> 1
Chlorides (Cl-)
< 50 ppm
Nitrates (NO3-)
< 50 ppm
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
< 0,05 ppm
Ammonia (NH3)
< 0,05 ppm
Sulphites (SO3), free chlorine (Cl2)
< 1 ppm
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
< 5 ppm
Metal cations
< 0,2 ppm
Manganese ions (Mn++)
< 0,2 ppm
Iron ions (Fe2+, Fe3+)
< 0,2 ppm
Iron + Manganese
< 0,4 ppm
Phosphates (PO43-)
< 2 ppm
< 0,1 ppm
ppm = mg/l
The use of water with values above the limits stated in the table will immediately void the warranty.
It is mandatory to include a system for eliminating possible organic substances in the water that could pass through the filter
and settle in the heat exchangers, which would lead to malfunctioning and/or breakage over time.
The use of water containing organic substances will immediately void the warranty.