Touchscreen Control for Model BXĆ14
3. To edit an existing item, select the item while
the EDIT key is highlighted.
To delete an Item, select the item while the DEĆ
LETE key is highlighted.
To create a new item, select the NEW ? icon
while the EDIT key is highlighted.
Figure 29
4. Each recipe is made up of steps containing
seven settings - temperature, time, fan, etc.
A new step is needed when you desire a differĆ
ent setting within a step.
To edit a setting within a particular step, press
the icon for that setting. A keypad will appear
for you to input your value.
To add a step, press the + key icon.
To edit a step, press the arrow keys on the botĆ
tom left hand corner of the screen to highlight
the step you wish to edit. Follow the instrucĆ
tions above to edit the settings.
To delete a step, use the arrow keys on the
bottom left hand corner of the screen to highĆ
light the step you wish to delete. Press the red
X icon to delete the highlighted step.
Once you are finished, press the DISK icon to
save the changes.
Figure 30