Dynamic route adaptation
While driving, the navigation system
can receive traffi c information from
TMC stations in the background
(see p. 32). If there should be a
traffi c jam on the route, you hear
an announcement and the naviga-
tion system automatically calculates
a new route – if it allows you to
reach your destination faster
If you do not follow the turn-by-turn
directions, e.g. because a street is
blocked or because the traffi c rout-
ing has changed, the navigation sys-
tem automatically calculates a new
route (see p. 70).
The corridor function
If the navigation system calculat-
ed a route, it stores all the streets
leading to the destination and also
streets that lie in a corridor to the
left and the right of the route. These
data are illustrates by means of the
corridor status display (see
p. 47).
As long as you stay in this corridor,
e.g. while evading a traffi c jam, you
can remove the navigation CD from
the drive and play a CD.
If you leave the corridor while driv-
ing, you hear a request to reinsert
the navigation CD. If you do not in-
sert the navigation CD, you hear a
corresponding note and no addi-
tional turn-by-turn directions fol-
The surroundings function
If no destination guidance is active,
the navigation system automatically
loads the digital map material of a
certain area surrounding the vehi-
cle position into its memory. Within
this area, you can specify and navi-
gate to destinations without having
to insert the navigation CD.
Installing the navigation
Risk of an accident
through distraction from
traffi c!
If you perform the following set-
tings while driving, you may be dis-
tracted from the traffi c and cause
an accident.
Perform the settings described
in this section only while the ve-
hicle is standing!
Before you can use the navigation
system, you must install the naviga-
tion software as described below.
If you install the navigation soft-
ware while a destination guid-
ance is active, a confi rmation di-
alogue appears and asks whether
you really want to perform the
installation. If you perform the in-
stallation, the destination guid-
ance is cancelled.
Operating the navigation system
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23.08.2006 15:05:08 Uhr
23.08.2006 15:05:08 Uhr