Bird 4421 RF Power Meter
If an invalid command is sent to the unit, an error condition is placed in the
serial poll byte and the offending command is not executed.
A group of device-dependent commands can be sent as a single string as long
as like command categories are not re
This string sets up the 4421 to send no prefixes, read forward dBm, make one
Commands can be entered in either upper or lower case.
Only the last command entered of each category will be executed.
As a command string is processed by the 4421, each category of command is
stored in a separate location. Two commands of the same category will be
stored in the same location, so that the second will overwrite and erase the
first one.
General Bus Commands
The general bus commands supported by the IEEE-488 interface feature are
list ed in F igu r e 13. Th e syn t a x for executing general commands varies among
controllers; check the documentation supplied with your controller for the
proper command structure.
Product identifies itself
Replies command same as U2
Figure 13
General Bus
Effect on Bird 4421
Gives pr odu ct iden t ifica t ion
Goes in t o r em ot e m ode wh en n ext a ddr essed
Ca n cels r em ot e m ode, r est or es loca l oper a t ion
Lock s ou t loca l oper a t ion
Goes in t o t a lk er a n d list en er -idle st a t u s
Ret u r n s t o defa u lt con dit ion s
Ret u r n s t o defa u lt con dit ion s
Tr igger s r ea din g in T2 a n d T3 m odes
P u t s t h e st a t u s byt e on t h e bu s
Содержание THRULINE 4020 series
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