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tho se for a dif fe rent user. Con fi gu ra ti on is also used to de fi ne the ca len dar, num bers for call con trol (un re stric ted
num bers, re stric ted num bers) and emer gen cy or di rect calls. You can also make ge ne ral set tings for the PABX, for
call data log ging or for re mo te ac cess to the PABX sys tem.
Charge manager
You can use the char ge ma na ger pro gram for log ging con nec ti on data for rea ding out or clea ring call data re cords
sto red in the PABX and user-spe ci fic coun ters. The call data re cords that are read out can be eva lua ted using va ri ous
sor ting and fil te ring functions, or ex port ed for pro ces sing in ot her pro grams.
For ex am ple: Sor ting functions al low you to com pi le data re cords ac cor ding to in ter nal users, pro ject num bers or
num bers that are di aled/trans fer red. The fil te ring functions can be used to dis play data re cords con tai ning in di vi du -
al pro per ties. You can set the se fil te ring functions to fit your spe ci fic needs.
Telephone Directory Manager
The PABX sys tem is equip ped with an in te gra ted te le pho ne di rec to ry, in which you can sto re up to 500 num bers,
with their as so cia ted na mes. You can dial the se speed dia ling num bers with ana log pho nes using the codes 000...499.
The name for the en try in the te le pho ne di rec to ry is not dis play ed on the pho ne. You can ac cess the PABX te le pho ne
di rec to ry with all pho nes con nec ted with the sys tem. En tries are ad ded to the di rec to ry using the Te le pho ne Di rec to -
ry Ma na ger on the CD. The im port/ex port functi on of the te le pho ne di rec to ry ma na ger al lows im por ted or ex port ed
data to be edi ted and pro ces sed in ot her pro grams.
The Con trol Cen ter mo ni tors all ISDN rou ter ac ti vi tes whi le In ter net con nec tions are estab lis hed or ter mi na ted. The
pro gram is laun ched au to ma ti cal ly af ter being in stal led every time the sys tem is start ed. It in di ca tes for ins tan ce: The
pro vi der, the du ra ti on of the exi sting con nec ti on, the port (ISDN or DSL), the ex ter nal IP ad dress as sig ned by the
pro vi der (if ap pli ca ble), and the vo lu me of the trans fer red data for uplo ad and downlo ad. An In ter net con nec ti on can
also be estab lis hed or se ver ed via the Con trol Cen ter.
You have the op ti on of se lec ting to estab lish In ter net ac cess ma nu al ly or au to ma ti cal ly.
If the con nec ti on is estab lis hed au to ma ti cal ly (»Ac ti va te au to ma tic con nec ti on estab lish ment with In ter net Ser vi ce
Pro vi der« is ac ti ve), ope ning the In ter net browser au to ma ti cal ly estab lis hes an In ter net con nec ti on via the ISDN
rou ter (fac to ry set ting )
Ad di tio nal costs may be in cur red if the In ter net con nec ti on is estab lis hed un in ten tio nal ly or not dis con nec ted
when de si red. We re com mend that you do not ac ti va te the item »Ac ti va te Au to ma tic Con nec ti on to In ter net Ser vi -
ce Pro vi der« in your PABX sys tem.
If the con nec ti on is estab lis hed ma nu al ly (»Ac ti va te au to ma tic con nec ti on estab lish ment with In ter net Ser vi ce Pro -
vi der« is ac ti ve), a con nec ti on to the In ter net is only estab lis hed with the »con nect« but ton in the Con trol Cen ter«.
The con nec ti on is se ver ed with the »dis con nect« but ton.
If In ter net ac cess for the rou ter is blo cked by the Con trol Cen ter but ton »in hi bit«, it can be re-ac ti vat ed using the but -
ton »en ab le«. The functions are then res to red as con fi gu red.
If ac cess to the In ter net has been blo cked through the Con trol Cen ter, this in hi bit is can ce led au to ma ti cal ly by a
PABX sys tem re set, for ex am ple in ter rup ti on of po wer supp ly.
Using the but ton »Add B chan nel« you can ac ti va te the se cond B chan nel of your ISDN con nec ti on when re qui red
whi le con nec ted to the In ter net; this will in crea se your band width for the link. Using the but ton »De-ac ti va te B chan -
nel« your can “switch off” one B chan nel whi le con nec ted to the In ter net over two B chan nels, for ex am ple to use one
chan nel for te le pho ne calls. Neit her the In ter net con nec ti on, nor the data stre am is im pai red or in ter rup ted in this
pro cess.
Содержание elmeg T240
Страница 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT240...
Страница 8: ...Table of contents VI...
Страница 83: ...Declaration of conformity Declaration of conformity 75...