Would you li ke to call your co-wor kers to a mee ting, or in vi te your fa mi ly out to eat? You could call each se pa ra te per -
son to do this, or you can use the mes sa ge functi on. With this functi on, you need to ma ke on ly one call to re ach all of
the te le pho nes that are aut ho ri zed for mes sa ges, wit hout the cal led par ties ha ving to lift up the hand sets of their pho -
You can en ab le or in hi bit the mes sa ge functi on for each in ter nal user (see pa ge 8). A no ti ce sig nal is issued at the
beginning of the message.
Re fer to the ope ra ting in struc tions for your te le pho nes whet her the pho nes sup port the mes sa ge feature.
Making an announcement
Lift up
hand set
In ter nal or
team num ber
sig nal
An noun ce ment
Enabling / inhibiting announcements
You can en ab le or in hi bit the sen ding of mes sa ges to your te le pho ne. If you ha ve dis ab led mes sa ges being sent to your
pho ne, the cal ler that is at temp ting to send a mes sa ge to you will he ar the busy signal.
Enabling / Inhibiting announcements at telephones
Lift up
hand set
En ab le mes sa ge /
In hi bit mes sa ge
sig nal
Re pla ce
hand set
Ma king out si de calls
Your PABX sys tem co mes equip ped with an ex ter nal ISDN port, with the op ti on for an ex ter nal, ana log port (POTS
mo du le). You can set up two ex ter nal con nec tions via the two B chan nels for this ISDN port, and one ex ter nal con -
nec ti on via the ex ter nal ana log port. The se con nec tions may al so be to two dif fe rent par ties si mul ta ne ous ly. For ex -
am ple, you can call an ex ter nal bu si ness part ner whi le si mul ta ne ous ly trans fer ring da ta from your PC to a dif fe rent
bu si ness part ner. When you in itia te an ex ter nal call via your PABX, the sys tem au to ma ti cal ly trans mits your num ber
and the ser vi ce ID (for the ter mi nal de vi ce, such as pho ne or fax). This en su res that on ly a ter mi nal ha ving the sa me
ID code is cal led at the subscriber being called (phone calls phone, fax group 4 calls fax group 4).
If a ter mi nal con nec ti on is con fi gu red for a mul ti-functio nal de vi ce in the PABX, ex ter nal calls are sig na led with the
ID »Ana log te le pho ny«, »ISDN te le pho ny« and »Fax de vi ce« at the ter mi nal de vi ce. He re, when you in itia te an ex ter -
nal call, the ser vi ce ID code »Analog telephony« is transmitted.
It is not ne ces sa ri ly re qui red that all te le pho nes / ter mi nal de vi ces be avai la ble for ma king calls throug hout the world.
It is so me ti mes even mo re ad van ta ge ous when so me te le pho nes are aut ho ri zed for lo cal calls on ly (pho ne bills also
more transparent).
The ex chan ge aut ho ri za ti on functi on exists to con trol and mo ni tor this. An in di vi du al aut ho ri za ti on for out going
calls (ex ter nal) can be as sig ned in PC con fi gu ra ti on for each PABX user. This aut ho ri za ti on is bro ken down into 5
different categories.
The user
has un re stric ted line ac cess aut ho ri za ti on.
has call aut ho ri za ti on for na tio nal (long-dis tan ce) calls.
has call aut ho ri za ti on for lo cal calls.
Re gi on (re gio nal num bers).
can be rea ched for in co ming calls, but can only make in ter nal calls.
Ma king Calls
Ma king out si de calls
Содержание elmeg T240
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