PABX Set tings
Activating and deactivating call signaling for analog terminal devices
You can ac ti va te/de ac ti va te the rin ging of your ana log ter mi nal de vi ces for in ter nal, ex ter nal or all calls. You will still
ha ve use of all of the ot her functions for the ter mi nal de vi ce. When the cal ler pla ces a call he/she will he ar the rin ging
sig nal. When you lift up the hand set du ring a call (you can not he ar the call) you will be connected with the caller.
De ac ti va ting call sig na ling for ana log ter mi nal de vi ces(In hi bi ting calls ON)
Lift up
hand set
all calls /
on ly ex ter nal calls /
on ly in ter nal calls
sig nal
Re pla ce
hand set
Ac ti va ting call sig na ling for ana log ter mi nal de vi ces (In hi bi ting calls OFF)
Lift up
hand set
sig nal
Re pla ce
hand set
Teams are groups of per sons who work to get her to achie ve a set go al. Nor mal ly, this me ans that all of the mem bers of
a team can be rea ched at a com mon num ber for ex ter nal and in ter nal calls. In the PABX this me ans that a num ber can
be spe ci fi cal ly as sig ned to each team of te le pho nes / ter mi nal de vi ces, al lo wing all team mem bers to be rea ched at all
ti mes for ex ter nal and in ter nal calls>In PC con fi gu ra ti on you can as sign up to eight in ter nal num bers or one num ber
for ex ter nal call for war ding to each of the 10 pos si ble teams. The se teams can, in turn, be al lo ca ted to the ex ter nal
MSN. A team num ber can be spe ci fied in PC con fi gu ra ti on for the team for in ter nal team calls.
If the MSN is di aled by an ex ter nal par ty, or the team num ber by an in ter nal user, all of the as sig ned ter mi nal de vi ces
are cal led. Dif fe rent ter mi nal de vi ces can be as sig ned to the teams (for example telephone, fax group 4); calls are
signaled according to their function.
Teams can also be cal led du ring an on going in qui ry call or on call for war ding. It is also pos si ble to for ward a call to a
Call to busy team mem ber (»Busy on Busy«)
If a mem ber of a team is ma king a call you can de ci de whet her furt her calls are to be sig na led for this team (PC con fi -
gu ra ti on set ting). If the functi on »Bu sy on bu sy« has been con fi gu red for this team any furt her cal lers ma king calls to
this team will re cei ve the »busy« signal.
Enabling / Inhibiting a member’s phone within a team
Let’s as su me you are lea ving the pho ne ran ge and wish to dis ab le your te le pho ne for call sig na ling>You can dis ab le
your te le pho ne for call sig na ling in a team or in all teams and en ab le it la ter. En ab ling or in hi bi ting is al ways con duc -
ted si mul ta ne ous ly in the day/ night team call al lo ca ti on. If your pho ne is dis ab led in a team no furt her team calls will
be signaled at your phone.
If all team members’ pho nes are dis ab led in the day/night team call al lo ca ti on, the calls for this team will be sig na led
at the ter mi nal de vi ces of Team 00. The cal ler will he ar a bu sy sig nal if no ter mi nal de vi ce has been en ab led for call sig -
na ling in Team 00 eit her. In the in iti al sta te the num bers 10.11, 20 and 20 are en te red and en ab led for Team 00 in the
day/night call allocation.
Ne ver Out of Touch
PABX Set tings
Содержание elmeg T240
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