Des crip ti on and in stal la ti on
The sys tem te le pho ne can be ope ra ted by an in ter nal con nec tor of a elmeg PABX that supp orts sys tem functions.
To get her with the elmeg PABX, the sys tem te le pho ne pro vi des va ri ous per for man ce fea tu res that are typical of this
The in ter nal con nec tor on the elmeg PABX is si mul ta ne ous and au to ma ti cal ly the sys tem in ter fa ce for the sys tem te -
le pho ne. Plea se con sult the user’s gui de for your elmeg PABX to see whet her or not this of fers the ty pi cal sys tem per -
for man ce fea tu res com bi ned with various system telephones.
A com ple te con fi gu ra ti on of the elmeg PABX and di rect ly via the sys tem te le pho ne is pos si ble on
all elmeg PABX (ex clu ding elmeg hybird) using the Pro fes sio nal Con fi gu ra tor.
A com ple te con fi gu ra ti on of the te le pho ne using the elmeg hybird is not pos si ble. So me of the
per for man ce fea tu res can on ly be set up using the telephone’s own in ter fa ces. Ho we ver, this is
on ly pos si ble if the sys tem te le pho ne has a USB or Ether net in ter fa ce.
Functions that can not be ful ly con fi gu red via the elmeg hybird are mar ked at ap pro pria te points
in the text.
Differences in configuration between the elmeg PABX and the elmeg hybird
Press a soft key or an ar row key. On the elmeg hybird this key does not have to be pres sed again if the dis play
is dif fe rent, as the functi on is al rea dy dis play ed or is not avai la ble.
The fol lo wing mes sa ge in di ca tes if dif fer en ces exist.
Cannot be configured using the system telephone on the elmeg hybird!
A sum ma ry of the se functions can be found on pa ge 67un der »Re stric ted sys tem te le pho ne con fi gu ra ti on«.
elmeg CS410
This sys tem te le pho ne is de sig ned for con nec ti on to an in ter nal S-con nec tor (4-wi re ca ble) on a elmeg PABX.
elmeg CS410-U
This sys tem te le pho ne is de sig ned for con nec ti on to an in ter nal Up0-con nec tor (2-wi re ca ble) on a elmeg PABX. The
sys tem te le pho ne has an ISDN con nec ti on to which furt her ISDN ter mi nals can be connected.
elmeg IP-S400
This sys tem te le pho ne is con nec ted to the cor re spon ding LAN con nec ti on (or net work) of the elmeg PABX by a Cat. 5
ca ble.The sys tem te le pho ne has an PC con nec ti on to which furt her IP ter mi nals can be connected.
Setting / configuring the system telephone
On the sys tem te le pho ne it self, you can on ly per form a re stric ted con fi gu ra ti on of the sup por ted per for man ce fea tu -
res. A com ple te con fi gu ra ti on of the sys tem is on ly pos si ble via the cor re spon ding con nec tors of theelmeg PABX.
elmeg CS410
Des crip ti on and in stal la ti on
Содержание elmeg CS290
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