come alive at the right time and receive the data.
Possible values are
The default value is
RTS Threshold
Here you can specify the data packet length threshold in bytes
(1..2346) as of which the RTS/CTS mechanism is to be used.
This makes sense if several clients that are not in each other's
wireless range are run in one access point.
Short Guard Interval
Enable this function to reduce the guard interval (= time
between transmission of two data symbols) from 800 ns to 400
Max. Transmission
Select the transmission speed.
Possible values:
(default value): The transmission speed is determined
: According to setting for Operation Band, Band-
width, Number of Spatial Streams and Wireless Mode vari-
ous fixed values in mbps are available.
Short Retry Limit
Enter the maximum number of attempts to send a frame with
length less than or equal to the value defined in RTS
Threshold. After this many failed attempts, the packet is dis-
Possible values are
The default value is
Long Retry Limit
Enter the maximum number of attempts to send a data packet
of length greater than the value defined in RTS Threshold.
After this many failed attempts, the packet is discarded.
Possible values are
The default value is
Enter the maximum size as of which the data packets are to be
fragmented (i.e. split into smaller units). Low values are recom-
10 Wireless LAN Controller
bintec elmeg GmbH
be.IP 4isdn