The pump models listed in the following declaration of conformity may be used in some potentially explosive atmospheres ONLY when the
special conditions for safe installation and operation have been followed as expressed in this user manual (Part Sheet). These models are
approved to ATEX regulations 94/9/EC, protection level:
II 2 G X: Suitable for use in Zones 1 and 2
EC Declaration of Conformity
Manuf. By:
195 Internationale Blvd.
Glendale Heights, IL 60139
Excel 4.5:1 Air Powered Pump
41-38045, 41-39045
The equipment to which this document relates is in conformance with the following standards or other normative references:
EN ISO 12100-1&2:2003
and thereby conform to the protection requirements of Council Directive
relating to
Machinery Safety Directive
, and;
BS EN 1127-1, BS EN 13463-1:2001,
and thereby conform to the protection requirements of Council Directive
Equipment and Protective Systems for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres,
protection level
II 2 G X.
Approved By:
Date: ____________
Chuck McCulloch, Binks
Binks reserves the right to modify equipment specification without prior notice.
May 30, 2007
The Binks Exel Pumps have horizontally opposed positive
displacement pistons connected to a common reciprocat-
ing air motor piston. The air driven piston trips the pilot
valves at the end of its travel producing an air logic signal
to shift a spool valve, thus initiating the opposite stroke.
The mechanically tripped pilot valves are reset by a pos-
itive air signal from the exhaust circuit. Additionally, the
pilot valves are spring assisted to ensure consistent, reli-
able operation. The spool valve is piloted and contains
two exhaust ports. Both the pilot valves and the spool
valve “un-bolt” as a cartridge, but can also be disassembled
for repair /service.
The air logic and exhaust ports are completely internal.
Simply mounting the spool valve and the pilot valves
ensures that the logic circuits are connected properly.
The “4-Ball” term refers to the two sets of ball checks.
Each “set” has an inlet and outlet check. In practice, the
inlets are connected by a common inlet manifold and the
outlets are connected by a common outlet manifold.
The “4-Ball” concept primes the pump with the piston
always engaging the seal. Unlike some other horizontally
opposed piston pumps, the piston does not pull free of
the displacement chamber piston seal to allow prime.
Pulling free of the piston seal for prime is lost motion.
No displacement is possible from the time the piston
pulls free and then re-enters the seal. The positive
displacement “4-Ball” concept ensures positive prime
and increased displacement with less energy demands.
This eliminates wasted effort which requires higher air
consumption to displace a given volume of fluid.
Covered by U.S. Patent Nos.
Standard Model w/Hard Chrome Plated Pistons
Extreme Duty Model w/Ceramic Coated Pistons
GPM/LPM (60 cycles)
6.85 / 25.93
Maximum Working Pressure (PSI)
Maximum Working Pressure (Bar)