Repair work at the humidifying and dehumidifying system
Humidifying and dehumidifying system
General information
Danger of electric shock.
Danger to life.
The unit must be switched off and disconnected from the power supply prior to perform-
ing most of the described service tasks.
Take all precautionary measures that a unit which is disconnected from the power sup-
ply will not be inadvertently connected to the power supply.
The unit must be live to perform some of the service tasks.
In this case, a second person must be present who is able to switch off the unit in case
of emergency.
Danger by hot water.
Danger of scalding.
Prior to start working, make sure that the unit has cooled down.
The humidity system is switched on with the humidity switch (-
) located in the right lateral control panel.
The climatic chamber KBF is equipped with a digital humidity sensor. This results in a control accuracy of up
3 % r.H. of the set point. The temperature-humidity diagram (
) shows the possible working
ranges for humidity.
With typical standard climate values, e.g. 30°/ 65% or 40°/ 75%, water consumption without opening the door
is between one and three liters daily.
The preset temperature and humidity values should be situated within the optimum range
(hatched range in
). Only within this area can the unit will not be exposed to
excessive moisture due to condensation.
In the short-term set points outside the optimum range can also be targeted.
The control accuracies of
3 % r.H., however, cannot be guaranteed in this case.
Service Manual KBF (E5.2) 04-2015