Installation Instructions for 45HM IDH Max® Mortise Locks
a Division of Stanley Security Solutions, Inc.
Completing the installation at the door
Install strike box and strike plate
1 Insert the strike box into the mortise in the door jamb.
Place the strike plate over the strike box and secure the
strike with the screws provided.
2 Check the position of the auxiliary bolt against the
strike plate.
The auxiliary bolt must make contact
with the strike plate. The auxiliary bolt deadlocks
the latchbolt and prevents someone from forcing
the latch open when the door is closed. If the
incorrect strike is installed, a lock-in can occur.
The recommended gap between the door and
jamb is 1/8
″ .
Optional: Install lock power supply
If you are providing a separate power supply for the
lock, instead of providing power via the panel
interface module, connect the two power field wires
(run from the wire transfer hinge) to the power supply.
Make sure power (12 volts DC) and ground are
connected properly.
Follow the instructions provided by the power supply
manufacturer. Do not plug in the power supply yet.
Figure 20a Installing the strike box and strike plate
Strike box with magnet
Strike plate
Door jamb
Figure 20b Positioning the strike
Auxiliary bolt
Strike plate