Setting up AOL for Broadband with the Router
There are two types of AOL connections available—either AOL DSL
or AOL Cable. A third service is called AOL BYOA (Bring Your Own
Access). This is used along with an existing broadband connection,
supplied by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If you have AOL
DSL, please refer to “Directions for AOL DSL Users” below for setup
instructions. If you have either AOL Cable or the AOL BYOA service,
please go to the “Directions for AOL Cable or AOL BYOA Users”
section of this guide, on page 87.
Directions for AOL DSL Users
Create AOL screen names for the Router and for each
computer that will be using your AOL service.
Configure the Router for AOL for Broadband.
Configure your computers with the new AOL screen names
you just created.
Step 1 Creating new AOL screen names
Your AOL connections must be set to operate on the TCP/IP
standard. If you have designated another protocol, reset them to
TCP/IP before proceeding.
If your Router is currently connected to the network, remove
it from the network and connect it directly to your broadband
modem. Then, log on to AOL as you normally do.
Log on to your AOL master account.
Step 1 Creating new AOL screen names