S M P 2 - D / R P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . B , M a r c h 2 0 1 9
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The following are common terms used with SMP2-D/R:
– Person(s) responsible for resource assignment.
– The process of specifying how many sources from a Pool should be available or allocated
to a Room.
– The process of adding Desks to Rooms and Sources to Pools
– Computer with two external video inputs (treated as destinations by the SMP), keyboard,
mouse, and an external keyboard switch to choose between the computer's HID and the remote
source's HID
Hot Keys
– Combination or sequence of keys that signal a function, such as Display the OSD or Switch
the keyboard/mouse. The Hot key does not interfere with the application running on the source.
Keys is a Thinklogical Tool that installs onto a Windows Computer and gives the administrator the
ability to create unique Hot Keys to enable actions that are not in Thinklogical’s Hot Key Code Defaults.
– A collection of sources. Typically, these sources are all running the same application. The
minimum number of sources in a pool may be zero. In this case, it is a place holder for allocating future
sources. A pool with zero sources shall be indicated in light text in the Pools Available list.
Pool Exclusivity
– A source can only belong to one Pool at a time, just as a Desk can belong to only
one Room at a time. Once a Source has been assigned to a Pool, it must be unassigned before it can
be reassigned to another Pool.
– A command issued from User deskapp to request a source from a Pool.
– A command issued from User deskapp to return a source to a Pool.
– A collection of user Desks.
– A Primary or Back-up computer.
– Authorized individual using a Desk.