S M P 2 - D / R P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . B , M a r c h 2 0 1 9
Page 27
To display Source Src 20-GLX-4 (from Pool P_BRAVO) on the left monitor, left-click the name on the
left side. (Note that this Desk has keyboard control of that Source as indicated by the keyboard icon.)
To display Src 4-dvi on the right monitor, left-click the name on the right side. (Note that the keyboard
icon is now with Src 4-dvi.)
To give keyboard control back to Src 20-GLX-4, simply left-click within the monitor icon and keyboard
control will move back to Src 20-GLX-4.
Clicking on
will release all reserved Sources back to their Pools. A popup window will
appear reminding the User to log out of the Sources.
on the Source in the monitor area disconnects it from that monitor. The Source is still
reserved at that Desk.
on the Source name at the top returns that one Source to the Pool. A popup window will appear
reminding the User to log out of that Source.