S M P 2 - D / R P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . B , M a r c h 2 0 1 9
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SHARE CYCLE: There are two modes for this operation, described below:
Src_1, Src_2 Connect first/only monitor associated with this keyboard (but not listed) to the
first Source in the list (Src 2). Connect the keyboard named in Origin to the Source. Each
subsequent Hot Key will cycle to the next Source listed, then back to the beginning.
Mon_A, Src_1, Src_2 If the first name in the list is a Destination, connect it to the second
through Source names in the list. Connect the Origin keyboard to Src (like the first example,
but with a named Destination as the first element).
VIEW CYCLE: Same as SHARE CYCLE but without the connecting keyboard.
through a string of ‘taken’ sources. Prior destinations are blanked.
CLEAR DST: Blanks the monitor at DSTx.
CLEAR KBD: Removes keyboard/mouse control.
CLEAR SRC: Blanks that source from all destinations.
COLLABORATE: Allows multiple users to easily exchang
e a single Source’s KM controls.
TOGGLE: Reset the Monitors/Destinations associated with this keyboard to their previous
Sources. Alternates between two previous Sources called from the OSD.
CAST: Duplicates
video on the ‘From’ destination to the ‘To’ destination.
MIRROR: Links one Monitor/Destination
to one or more additional “mirrored” Destinations so that
any time a Source is connected to the first Monitor/Destination, the same Source will also be
connected to the remaining Monitors/Destinations.
Mon_1, Mon_2, Mon_3 Any time a Source is connected to Mon 1, it is automatically
connected to Mons 2 and 3.
MIRROR OFF: Turns off mirroring.
INT MOUSE: Enables the Integrated Mouse feature and shows a list of monitor names describing
how the monitors are arranged. Commas separate monitors, and slashes (
) separate rows.
Desk_1, Desk_2 Two Desks, left and right.
Desk_1 / Desk_2 Desk 1 is on the top row, Desk 2 is on the bottom.
Desk_1, Desk_2 / Desk _3, Desk_4 Two rows: Desk 1 and 2 are on the
top row and Desk 3 and 4 are below.
Desk_1, Desk_2, Desk_3 / Desk_4, , Desk_6 Two rows of three
with a blank space in the bottom where Desk 5 would be (signified
by empty space between the commas).
IGNORE: Causes a command to be ignored. This is used to exclude a destination from a wildcard
(*) hotkey. (Enter the keyboard and the Code to be ignored.)