Belarus 1025/1025.2/1025.3
Section I. Possible malfunctions
Malfunction, symptom
Correction method
Steering wheel rotates without driven wheels turn
No oil in the oil tank.
Fill the tank to the required level and bleed
the hydraulic system to remove air.
Worn out sealing of hydraulic cylinder
Replace sealing
Steering wheel doesn’t return to “neutral”, “motoring” of the metering pump
Increased friction or wedging in mechanical Remove causes of friction and wedging
elements of the steering column
Grooved drive end of the steering column
Release gimbal gear.
and metering pump are not aligned
To increase clearance put additional
(outward thrust of gimbal gear), or
washers not more than 1.5 mm thick
with insufficient clearance
between metering pump and steering
column arm.
Mud between control valve and metering
Wash and clean control valve and
pump sleeve
metering pump sleeve.
Increased play of the steering wheel
Coned pins of hydraulic cylinders or
Torque pins’ nuts to 12…14 kgf.m
steering tie-rod are not tightened
secure them with cotter-pins
Increased play of grooved connection
Replace lower gimbal gear yoke
“steering shaft gimbal gear – metering
Different minimal radii of tractor turn to the left-right
Not adjusted wheels toe-in
Adjust wheels toe-in, as shown in section H
FDA reduction gears extension doesn’t
Adjust extension of reduction gears and
correspond to installation of hydraulic
installation of hydraulic cylinders depending
on selected wheels span
Not complete turn of drive wheels
Insufficient pressure in the hydraulic
Check and adjust pressure in steering
system within 140…155 kgf/cm2*
Defective supply pump.
Repair or replace the pump.
Non-compliance of drive wheels turn with direction of steering wheel turning.
Wrong connection of metering pump outlets Change the connection
to turning cylinder.
* - Works are performed by service center specialist.