Belarus 1025/1025.2/1025.3
Section G. Scheduled maintenance
G 51
Seasonal maintenance.
Combine seasonal maintenance with regular maintenance operations
Substance of works
During transition to autumn-winter season (with
settled average daily temperature below + 5°
During transition to spring-summer season (with
settled average daily temperature above + 5 °
Change summer oil grades for winter grades (see
lubrication table):
Change winter oil grades for summer grades
In diesel casing
In diesel casing
In the case of hydraulic assemblies and HS
In the case of hydraulic assemblies and HS.
In the transmission case
In the transmission case
In FDA case and wheel reduction gears
In FDA case and wheel reduction gears
In case (left-, right-hand ) of “wet” brakes
In case (left-, right-hand) of “wet” brakes
Fill diesel cooling system with antifreeze fluid, having
in advance washed the cooling system
Clean calibrated opening of connecting pipe bolt
of the electric torch heater; diesels with ETH.