FC310x as slave
FC3101 and FC3102
Version: 3.0
FC310x as slave
As a slave, the PROFIBUS DP and PROFIBUS DPV1 protocols are supported.
In order to configure the slave for cyclic DP operation, proceed as follows in the TwinCAT System Manager:
Configure DP slave
It is first necessary to configure a "PROFIBUS Slave FC310x, PCI" I/O device (right-click on "I/O devices",
and then selecting "Append Device"). The device and a box are appended (to this end the GSD file
"TCDPSLAV.GSD" must be in directory "TwinCAT\Io\PROFIBUS"):
Fig. 40: FC310x appended as slave
Find the corresponding channel on the tab
device ("Search" button), adjust the station address and the baud rate, if necessary (the default setting is
12 Mbit/s).
Append modules
Modules are to be appended to the box corresponding to the data that is to be transferred cyclically. This is
done by clicking with the right mouse button on the box, and then selecting "Append modules":