FC310x as master
FC3101 and FC3102
Version: 3.0
DP Diag tab
Fig. 31: TwinCAT 2.9 - DP-Diag tab
Here, bus cabling problems and DP cycle times are displayed:
detected bus-errors:
Here, the number of detected bus errors is displayed. If this counter is not equal 0, the
cabling should be checked (provided that no PROFIBUS connectors were pulled or inserted - usually there
are short bus disturbances during pulling or inserting of PROFIBUS connectors).
Here, the number of PROFIBUS cycles is displayed, in which a telegram was
repeated at least once. Repetitions are also an indication that the physical bus characteristics are not 100%
max. Repeat/Cycle:
Here, the maximum number of repetitions within a cycle is displayed.
min./max./actual Cycle-Time:
Here, the minimum, maximum and current DP cycle time is displayed. Only
those cycles are considered, during which all slaves participated in the data exchange and no repetitions
Increments if not all slaves participate in the data exchange (i.e. have a
DpState not equal 0)
Real Failed-Cycle-Counter:
Increments if the DP cycle was not completed before the next task cycle began
and all the slaves are involved in the data exchange (i.e. have a DpState of 0).