Medical Gas Central Alarm - Medipoint 125 Digital Alarm
Alarm Configuration.
WARNING! Personnel carrying out the
following procedure must be qualified and fully
conversant with the information contained in this
WARNING! Before commencing the alarm
configuration ensure that all installation procedures
are complete and that all wiring is correctly
connected. Before switching on the mains electrical
power supply, ensure the supply is correctly fused.
All configuration functions are setup within the software
setup screens using the LCD touch screen.
After completing all points within section 2 the alarm can
be powered up.
See section 3.8 for an overview of the setup configuration
menu map.
Date Time setup (Figure 22)
The alarm will start up on the Date/Time setup screen.
• The date & time will not affect the functionality of
the alarm, it is only required fro the data logging.
• If an alarm condition occurs the date time screen
the unit will automatically take you to the main
• If the date/time is not set the main screen will
show a calender icon in yellow.
Figure 22 - Date/Time setup.
Special Characters/Icons:
Icon Description
Enter Key
TAB key.
Moves to next field and highlights text. Highlighted
text will be overwritten on next key press.
Tick key.
Apply update, and takes you to the main screen.
Press on the first field (Day), hold down to highlight
current text ready to overwrite. Use the num-pad to
enter the day.
Press the TAB key to go to the next field (Month). Use
the num-pad to enter the month.
Repeat fro the following fields, year > hours > minutes >
Press the Tick key when complete, which will take you to
the main screen.
Main Screen (Figure 23).
From the main screen you can access the setup menus,
log screen and info screen.
Figure 23 - Main screen
Special Characters/Icons:
Icon Description
Date/Time Icon.
Only displayed if the Date/Time has not been setup.
Date time can be set from the “Settings Menus”
Info Icon.
Takes you to the info screen
Logs Icon.
Takes you to the logs screens.
Settings Icon.
Takes you to the settings menu screens.
From the main screen press on the “Info Icon”
to go
to the Info screen (Detailed in the operating instructions
Press on the “Logs Icon”
to go to the Logs Screen
(Detailed in the operating instructions section).
Press on the “Settings Icon”
to go to the setup menus
(Detailed in the following sections).
Alarm Setup menus.
Press the “Settings icon”
to go to the alarm setup
menu screen.