Mode 1
the entire input and output buffer is dived into 2 areas. The areas of the input buffer
and output buffer are the same size for each head (see 34).
Buffer area Head 1: This area contains command identifiers and data for Read/Write
Head 1. The size of the buffer area for Head 1 is specified by Parameter 11
Buffer_Length_Head1 .
Buffer area Head 2: This area contains command identifiers and data for Read/Write
Head 2. The size of this area is derived from the remaining area of the buffer area Head 2
= (total buffer – buffer area Head 1).
Mode 2
the entire input buffer is divided into 2 areas the the entire output buffer into 2
areas. The areas of the input buffer and output buffer are different for each head (see 34).
1.1 Input buffer area Head 1: This area contains command identifiers and read data from
Read/Write Head 1. The size of the input buffer area Head 1 is determined by Parame-
ter 13
Input length
1 (read data) + 1 byte (bit header).
1.2 Input buffer area Head 2: This area contains command identifiers and read data from
Read/Write Head 2. The size of the input buffer area Head 2 is determined by Parame-
ter 17
Input length
2 (read data) + 1 byte (bit header).
2.1 Output buffer area Head 1: This area contains command identifiers and write data from
Read/Write Head 1. The size of the output buffer area Head 1 is determined by Parame-
Output length
1 (write data) + 1 byte (bit header).
2.2 Output buffer area Head 2: This area contains command identifiers and write data from
Read/Write Head 2. The size of the output buffer area Head 2 is determined by Parame-
ter 19
Output length
2 (write data) + 1 byte (bit header). durch den Parameter 19
Output length 2
(Schreibdaten) + 1 Byte (Bitleiste) festgelegt.
Distributing the
buffer in Mode 1
Function Description
Input and Output Buffers
Distributing the
buffer in Mode 2
Buffer_Length – Buffer_Length_Head1
Buffer_Length – Buffer_Length_Head1
Input length 2 + 1
Input length 1 + 1
Output length 2 + 1
Output length 1 + 1
Function Description
Input and Output Buffers
Mode 1 and Mode 2
Observe the following rules when setting the buffer lengths:
All the rules for parametering the buffers must be followed, even if the corresponding
mode is not used!
The buffer length for Head 1 may not exceed the total buffer length:
Output buffer
Input buffer
The output buffer for Head 1 and Head 2 must not exceed the total buffer – 2:
Output length 1 + Output length 2
Buffer_Length – 2
The input buffer for Head 1 and Head 2 must not exceed the total buffer – 2:
Input length 1 + Input length 2
Buffer_Length – 2
Output buffer
Input buffer
Mode 1
Mode 2
Total buffer
Buffer range Head 1
Buffer range Head 2
Buffer range Head 2
Buffer range Head 1
Buffer range Head 2
Buffer range Head 1
Byte 0