Flight Manual for Gas Balloons of Type NL-STU
Issue 2.0
May 10, 2019
Page 8-2
Technical checks during operation of the balloon
The list is intended to serve as an aide-mémoire; it is a brief summary and not to be con-
sidered as complete!
Checks after laying out the balloon and before inflation:
□ Have all persons been instructed in working with the lifting gas?
□ Are the parachute and the parachute opening undamaged?
□ Are the load belts undamaged?
□ Is the parachute line secured with the extension line?
□ Are the suspension ropes attached to the basket?
□ Is the basket equipped with sufficient ballast?
□ Has a test been performed to make sure that the pull-open line of the Velcro fastener over
the inflation socket can be opened?
Checks after inflation
□ Is the white marking of the parachute line at the same height as the lower appendix ring
(Poeschel ring)?
□ Does the lower part of the envelope empty quickly with the appendix closed? This would
indicate major damage to the envelope or a leak in the parachute.
□ Are all the ropes secured?
□ Does the parachute line have sufficient slack?
□ Are all the toggles on the load ring horizontal?
The following points must be checked before take-off:
□ Has the weather situation been checked again?
□ Have the inflation tube and inflation socket been removed?
□ Is the appendix closing device functioning properly?
□ Has a trial pull of the parachute been carried out?
□ Is the appendix completely open?
□ Is the prescribed minimum quantity of ballast in the basket?
□ Have the passengers been instructed in how to behave during the flight?
During the flight:
□ Check the lines. Do all lines have sufficient slack?
□ Is the appendix open? The appendix must never look taut!
The following points must be checked before landing:
□ Has the instruction to passengers on how to behave during landing been repeated?
□ Have all unnecessary instruments and baggage been stowed safely in the basket bags?
□ Has the bench been put away and the basket flap closed?
□ Have all sand bags been fastened in the basket in the direction of flight and secured to
prevent them from coming loose?
□ Have all sand bags been fastened secured against oscillation and plunging?
□ Is the parachute line accessible at all times?
□ Have the appendix anchor lines been pulled tight?
□ What are the wind speed and wind direction on the ground?
□ Is the landing site sufficiently large?
□ Are there any obstacles that need to be taken into account in the direction of flight (e.g.
overhead power lines, electric fences, etc.)?
Before deflating the envelope:
□ Have all potential ignition sources within a radius of 50 m of the balloon been prohibited?