Flight Manual for Gas Balloons of Type NL-STU
Issue 2.0
May 02, 2016
Page 4-18
The envelope of the balloon is then folded longitudinally in accordance with the gores. Starting
at the center of a gore, place the center of every second subsequent gore exactly on top of it.
Place the packing tarp under the folded envelope in such a way that only the entire appendix
protrudes over the packing tarp. Pull the upper part of the envelope with the parachute opening
towards the appendix, without straining the parachute opening. Place the parachute opening on
the lower part of the envelope with a slightly oval shape in the area of the packing tarp (Fig. 12).
Fit the edge protection on the parachute opening (Fig. 11). To do so, press the slit of the tube-
shaped edge protection onto the edge of the envelope.
The edge protection prevents sharp kinking of the parachute opening during
packing and transport of the envelope. This preventive measure is necessary to
prevent damage to the cable that is incorporated into the edge of the envelope.
It only takes a few minutes to fit and contributes considerably to extending the
service life of the envelope!
Then roll up the envelope, starting at the equator, until it is lying centrally on the packing tarp.
The parachute opening must not be kinked when rolling up the envelope!
The section of the parachute opening that has not been rolled up and the lower part of the enve-
lope including the appendix that has not been rolled up are folded over onto the rolled up enve-
lope. Place all the ropes around the appendix rings in a circular arrangement. If the load ring is
connected to the suspension ropes, place it centrally on top of the rolled up envelope.
Fig. 11:
Fitting the edge protection
Fig. 12:
Carefully rolling up the parachute
Fig. 13:
Transport in trailer