Flight Manual for Gas Balloons of Type NL-STU
Issue 2.0
May 02, 2016
Page 3-4
The following procedure must be observed in this case:
3.5 Contact with overhead power lines
Irrespective of the voltage, contact with overhead power lines constitutes a danger to life and
If a hydrogen-filled balloon envelope contacts an overhead power line, this can
lead to a fire or explosion.
If the suspension ropes touch the overhead power
line, there is the additional risk of the basket being separated from the en-
velope and falling to the ground.
If there is a risk of contact with an overhead power line, it is imperative to perform an emergen-
cy landing before the overhead power line. The basket should be brought as close to the ground
as possible before contact. The following procedure must be observed in this case:
Contact between the suspended basket and the ground constitutes a
danger to
life and limb
Pull the parachute to initiate a faster descent of the balloon.
Sand bags:
Any sand bags not required for the landing must be fastened securely inside
the basket on the downwind side of the basket.
Pull the parachute to initiate a faster descent of the balloon. Accept the
possibility of a hard landing.
Emergency call:
If possible, place an emergency call to have the power line switched off.
Instruct – The power line must not be touched!
Contact with
If the basket remains suspended just above the ground,
the power line
there must be no contact between the basket and the ground before the
power has been cut off. Passengers must not exit the basket, nor may
helpers touch the basket directly or indirectly (e. g. using a pole, ladder or
other item.)