Flight Manual for Gas Balloons of Type NL-STU
Issue 2.0
May 02, 2016
Page 4-16
Closing the appendix during the descent reduces the deflation time as a smaller
volume of gas has to escape through the parachute opening during final defla-
Ballast must be kept readily accessible during the landing phase. There may be
unexpected changes in wind direction at ground level. For this reason, the land-
ing site should also have sufficient lateral clearance from overhead power lines,
buildings, roads and other obstacles. Fast winds at ground level can also result in
the formation of turbulence near the ground.
4.11.1 Orienting the basket
Using a trail rope, it is possible to orient the balloon at low altitude before touch-down during
landing. With the trail rope hanging out the back relative to the direction of flight, the front side of
the basket is defined as the “drag side”. If landing with a trail rope, the sand ballast is always
secured on the “drag side” (downwind or leading side), i.e. at the front, prior to landing. The oc-
cupants always stand behind the sand bags. If landing without a trail rope, the ballast must be
positioned on whichever side of the basket is facing in the direction of flight.
Ballonbau Wörner recommends flying with a trail rope!
Positioning the sand bags on the “drag side” prevents them from swinging, thereby
reducing the risk of injuries to legs and ankles. Further advantages of the trail rope
during landing are the horizontal braking effect and stabilization resulting from fric-
tion and a reduction of the rate of descent before the balloon touches down.
Use of a trail rope entails hazards that must be weighed up by the pilot. Not all
landing sites are suitable for use of the trail rope.
4.11.2 Touch-down
Before touch-down, every occupant of the basket must adopt a stable position. Everyone must
hold on tightly to the handles in the basket and tense the leg muscles. Depending on the wind
speed, pull the parachute approx. 60 cm shortly before touch-down when the balloon is about
2 m above the ground
; this is to prevent the balloon from bouncing and to avoid repeated
touch-down if possible. The pilot should warn passengers just before the first touch-down (and
the second touch-down if applicable).
The loss of lifting capacity with the parachute completely open is approx. 400 N/s, i.e. approx. 3
ballast bags per second!
The pilot decides when the passengers may leave the basket, thereby completing the landing.