April 2015
Ka8 retrieve guide
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Crown Service Gliding Club
Schleicher Ka8 Field Retrieve Guide
This Guide should be treated only as an aide-memoire—it is no substitute for a
briefing and demonstration. De-rigging and fitting the Ka8 on its trailer is very
straightforward if the correct technique is used but it needs at least four people.
These notes are primarily for use during retrieve operations using the trailer.
De-rigging into a workshop will vary only slightly from this—the essential
processes are similar.
This Guide covers the details special to the CSGC open trailer; further details of
derigging and rigging the glider can be found in the manual—
http://csgc.website/documents/manuals/flight/Ka8 Flight Manual.pdf
section D.
Preparation and kit needed
Ensure that the trailer is roadworthy (lights, tyres, number plate, etc.). You may
find the wing trestle and fuselage support useful; if you take them make sure
they are stowed securely (probably in the car). In addition to the usual trailer
checks make sure you have the following before setting off for a retrieve–
Holdall with derigging tools:
spanner for the wing main-pin retaining nuts (22mm);
box spanner for the tailplane retaining bolt (17mm);
copper-faced mallet.
Fuselage stretcher bar (with cables and locking pins),
Aileron locks,
Rudder lock (normally kept on the tailplane holder).
A clean bag (such as a sick-bag!) in which to store the main- and drag-pins.
Ensure tailplane, wing root and fuselage restrainer clamp bolts on the trailer are
free and undamaged.
Go to the field!
Leave trailer hooked on the car—this stops the trailer rocking end-to-end; it
evens up heights at each end, but the fuselage will need to be lifted a little
all in toolbox
on trailer