Flight Manual for Gas Balloons of Type NL-STU
Issue 2.0
May 02, 2016
Page 7-3
7.6 Storage
All components of the balloon must be stored in a dry, cool and well ventilated room. It must be
ensured that the balloon and all its parts are protected against exposure to direct sunlight.
The balloon must never be stored damp. Damp parts must be dried immediately.
A cold air blower may be used for this.
If the parachute line has become wet, it can be pulled
out of the deflation
opening using a 20 m extension rope and dried. Pulling the line carelessly may
result in damage to the balloon!
The basket must not be stored in heated, dry rooms, as the wickerwork would otherwise dry out
too much and become brittle. The basket should be stored upright in a raised position in order
to ensure that the floor of the basket also receives sufficient ventilation.
The practice revealed, that envelopes which were packed dry, nevertheless
showed spots of mold in the area where the suspension ropes had been lying.
Apparently nobody paid attention to the fact, that the ropes were still full of hu-
midity when the envelope was packed. The residual moisture content of the
ropes together with the normal contamination and the temperature, as occurring
in closed storage bags and closed trailers, produce the best conditions for the
development of mold.
Therefore we recommend tearing out humid suspension ropes at the side of the
folded envelope. Leave the storage bag and the trailer open and avoid tempera-
ture rise over 20°C, until the ropes have dried completely.
So you prevent the development of mold.
If spots of mold appeared, they can be cleaned and disinfected by the use of
“Acticide LV 706” of “Thor” enterprises
Landwehrstraße 1, D 67346 Speyer