AWA Troubleshooting
CDROM. If it is not connected to the parallel port when the AWA boots up, it will
report the error. This can be cleared by Administrator by going to the CONTROL
PANEL, DEVICES, BP32DRV, and setting it to "DISABLED" under STARTUP.
c. Another message related to the AWA sometimes seen is problems related to the hard
disk drive. ATDISK may be reported as having an error. This may indicate
corrupted files or disk surface errors on the hard drive. A method to clear them is
provided with Windows NT: Login as Administrator, go to PROGRAMS,
COMMAND PROMP, then from the C:\command line type CHKDSK /F /R. You
will be asked if you wish to perform a scan disk the next time the systems starts,
select Y for yes and reboot. The machine will run through a routine called
AUTOCHK next time it is rebooted.
5. Windows NT Crashes/NIC card does not
work after an ISA network card is
a. Windows NT is NOT a plug n’ play capable operating system, it may not properly
accept a new circuit card without a rebuild of the operating system. Check the
Microsoft website:
hardware compatibility.
b. Check the BIOS at boot time; press the DEL key as the system is booting. It will put
you into the setup utility. Look for references to “Plug and Play capable OS” set this
statement to “NO” it will, for some types of NIC cards, clear the problem.
c. NIC card may require a more recent Microsoft service pack to properly function.
Most Baker Instrument AWA testers have service pack 4 or later. Also: After
installation of new pieces of hardware- it is usually important the service pack be
reinstalled to ensure proper function.
6. Floppy Disk Drive failure
a. The AWA uses a commercial grade floppy disk drive to allow file transfer via 3.5”
diskette. Keep you diskettes in a clean place. It is quite possible to destroy the floppy
drive and the diskette by inserting a greasy, gritty diskette.