AWA Troubleshooting
2. Windows NT crashes after installing a
new printer driver or other software.
a. Windows NT has specific requirements for drivers. Do not attempt to install any
software to the AWA tester unless it is known to be Windows NT Workstation 4.0
compliant. If software is going to be installed, be sure to log onto the system as User:
"Administrator" (case sensitive) Password: baker.
3. Windows NT crashes after installing a
new printer driver or other software, giving
a blue screen.
a. Window NT does keep a "LAST KNOWN GOOD HARDWARE
CONFIGURATION" available at system boot by pressing the spacebar on the
keyboard. It will then offer a change to restore the original configuration. Note: If a
boot up is successful, it will take over the last know good configuration and replace it.
It is not a tool designed to remove software, just a tool designed to help bail out an
improper installation.
b. Do not install software unless logged in as Administrator.
4. Windows NT reports device errors upon
boot up.
a. Windows NT gives the user a chance to go and look at what device has failed. To do
this, log in as Administrator. Click START, PROGRAMS, ADMINISTRATIVE
TOOLS (Common), EVENT VIEWER. You will see a listing of errors seen by the
system. Blue is good, Yellow is a warning, Red is bad. The messages may be
cryptic, but in many cases they can tell you what is wrong. It is beyond the scope of
this document to explain all possible Windows NT problems, but a few common ones
can be explained.
b. A common error message seen in the EVENT VIEWER is the "BP32DRV " device
driver. This is the device driver for the MICROSOLUTIONS BACKPACK