Customer Responsibilities
Before You Purchase
Building and Zoning Requirements
Provide the Building and Zoning department in your municipality with the address of where you
plan to install your vending machine and the information on the back page of this sheet. If you
would like assistance Bag of Ice is glad to make these calls on your behalf, but arriving in person usu-
ally expedites the process.
Water Test
Before BOI will begin production on your ice vending machine you must take a water sample from
your installation location to be water-hardness tested. Your salesperson will either assist you in this
process or send you an electronic water hardness tester with instructions.
After You Innate Purchase
Health Department
Each municipality is different, but most will require a water sample from your vending machine
to be tested before you be allowed to vend to the public. In some cases, you will have to continue
providing samples quarterly or annually. If you would like assistance Bag of Ice is glad to make these
calls on your behalf, but arriving in person usually expedites the process.
Department of Agriculture
Each state is different, most categorize ice to be a food product and will have to inspect your ma-
chine before you be allowed to vend to the public. If you would like assistance Bag of Ice is glad to
make these calls on your behalf, but arriving in person usually expedites the process.