To convert your serger to narrow three – thread stitching (3.5 mm – 5.3 mm) snip the left – hand needle
thread just above the eye. Remove the thread from the orange color – coded thread guides and remove
the left needle. (Figure 50 ~ 51).
NOTE: Please tighten the left – hand needle clamp screw slightly to prevent the screw from vibrating
The tension on each thread is controlled by its
color – coded tension dial. Turn the dial to the right
(clockwise) to tighten or increase tension. Turn the
dial to the left (counter – clockwise) to loosen or
decrease tension. The chart on page 35 indicates
suggested range of tension number ranges for
three – thread stitching. Note on this chart the
specific setting for your own machine.
The pictures below illustrate some incorrect thread
tension for three – thread stitching and the
necessary adjustments to correct them.