Your serger is pre – set for four – thread serging, the most common mode of serger sewing. It provides a very
durable yet fully stretchable seam or overedge on all types of fabric. With tensions properly set, the lower
looper thread forms a flat, non – rolling pattern of overcastting stitches on the underside of the fabric. The
upper looper thread forms a similar pattern on the top side and these two threads lock together evenly over
the cut edge.
The left needle thread interlocks with two looper threads at the stitching line to create the seam. The right
needle thread, visible from the top side of the seam, interlocks with both loopers to add durability. (Figure 33)
The tension on each thread is controlled by its color – coded tension dial. Turn the dial to the right (clockwise)
to tighten or increase the tension; turn it to the left (counterclockwise) to loosen or decrease tension. The
chart on page 35 indicates the suggested number ranges for four – thread stitching. Note on this chart
specific settings for your own machine.
Always keep in mind that various threads and individual preferences may require slight adjustment to the
needle thread tension. Always sew a sample stitch on the fabric to determine if the desired result is achieved.