The waveform generator responds to the Group Execute Trigger message only if it is listen addressed
and the device trigger function is enabled. The TRIGger:MODE must be in TRIG, CONTinuous, or BURst
and the TRIGger:SOURce must be set to BUS to enable device triggering via GET.
SPE-Serial Poll Enable (24 with ATN)
The SPE message generates output serial poll status bytes when talk-addressed.
SPD-Serial Poll Disable (25 with ATN)
The SPD message switches back to generating output data from the Output Buffer.
MLA-My Listen Address (GPIB A 32)
MTA-My Talk Address (GPIB A 64)
The instrument GPIB primary address establishes the listen and talk addresses. To see the current GPIB
primary address, press SPECIAL and then F1:SYS on the front panel. When the waveform generator is
talk-addressed or listen-addressed, the front-panel ADRS indicator lights.
LLO-Local Lockout (17 with ATN)
When the waveform generator is listen addressed, the LLO message changes the waveform generator
to the front-panel lockout state.
REN-Remote Enable (GPIB pin 17)
REN is normally held true by the controller and allows the controller to then put the waveform
generator into one of the remote states. Pulsing REN false or holding it false forces the device into local
state (LOCS).
If you disconnect and reconnect the GPIB cable when the controller is holding REN true, the REN goes
false and the device got to local state (LOCS).
GTL-Go To Local (1 with ATN)
Listen-addressed instruments respond to GTL by changing to a local state. Remote-to-local transitions