UMAX090600 Version 1
Preliminary Documentation – May be Subject to Change
Description of 14V 2A Battery Charger
The CAN Battery Charger with LED (CAN-BC-LED) is designed for efficient battery charge control
and performance. Its robust circuit design provides safety measures to protect the battery. The
firmware works in tune with the hardware in order to provide smooth and efficient performance during
charging of the battery. The firmware allows for configurability of certain parameters to allow the
CAN-BC-LED to be used for different batteries.
Its dual LED can be configured to react to different events or faults the controller undergoes. It is
used as a means of providing visual feedback to the user of the controller’s operation.
The CAN-BC-LED has a number of built-in protection features that can halt the charging operation
in adverse conditions. These features are described in detail in section 1.6 Table 3 and they include
hardware shutoffs to protect the circuits from being damaged as well as software shutdown features
that can be enabled in safety critical systems.
In the following sections will outline in more detail the various function blocks supported by the CAN-
BC-LED. All setpoints are user configurable using the Electronic Assistant as outlined in Section 4
of this document.