UMAX090600 Version 1
Preliminary Documentation – May be Subject to Change
WARNING: Do not check the “Erase All ECU Flash Memory” box unless instructed to
do so by your Axiomatic contact. Selecting this will erased ALL data stored in non-
volatile flash, including the calibration done by Axiomatic during factory testing. It will
also erase any configuration of the setpoints that might have been done to the ECU
and reset all setpoints to their factory defaults. By leaving this box unchecked, none of
the setpoints will be changed when the new firmware is uploaded.
7. Once the Flash Application Firmware window opens, you can enter comments such as “Firmware
upgraded by [Name]” if you so desire. This is not required, and you can leave the field blank if
you do not want to use it.
Note: You do not have to date/time-stamp the file, as this is done automatically by the EA tool
when you upload the new firmware.
8. A progress bar will show how much of the firmware has been sent as the upload progresses. The
more traffic there is on the J1939 network, the longer the upload process will take.