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Features are included to stop users inadvertently or incorrectly using a
wrong barcode for calibration purposes.
Axicon recommend that under normal circumstances user calibration is
carried out on a monthly basis (more frequently where there are high
dust levels or significant changes in ambient temperature.
The “
” Tab
Plug-ins are an important
feature of the Axicon verifier
– allowing it to be tailored to
industry specific or user
specific features, such as
running a Product lookup
database, validation of the structure of variable weight items, or
identifying the formats of European pharmaceutical codes – and a whole
lot more.
The Plug-ins can be installed from the CD by using the “Install Optional
Plug-ins” – Please be careful to only install the plug-ins that you need
otherwise some confusing results may be displayed. . If you inadvertently
install Plug-ins you do not need, simply ensure the box alongside remains
unticked and it will be ignored.
Please contact Axicon or your local Axicon reseller for more information
about the range of available plug-ins and their applications.
The “E-Mail” tab
To be used only if you want data to
be automatically e-mailed to a third