Tag Mounting
Because of the low frequency used for transmission, Tags can be
mounted in a variety of positions on assets and vehicles without the
signal being blocked. Personnel can carry Tags on chains, clips,
pockets or purses.
Mounting Tags to Assets
Required Materials
LED Test Tag
Mounting materials for asset Tags – cyanoacrylate (ProCement
from ProTec Technology, Super Glue), MEK (methyl ethyl
ketone), double-sided tape, or a Mylar enclosure that has a sticky
Latex gloves if you are using one of the above adhesives
Washable marker or pencil
Before using either cyanoacrylate or MEK, consult the
vendor’s instructions and the compound’s Material Safety Data
For all assets, mount the Asset Tag with the flat side attached to the
Mounting a Tag to a Laptop Computer
Some electronic devices (for example, laptop computers) generate
radio frequency emissions (noise) that may activate 2.0 Tags,
causing them to transmit. This unintended wakeup and transmission
could result in unnecessary battery drainage. 3.0 Tags, although they
may wake up, will recognize the wakeup frequency as noise and will
not transmit.
Use the following procedure for mounting a Tag to a laptop:
Step 1:
Turn on the laptop and ensure that the screen is on.
Step 2:
Position the cover so that it is in a comfortable working
Step 3:
Place the LED Test Tag flat side down on the outside of
the laptop.
Step 4:
Observe the LED Test Tag as you slide it on the laptop
cover – find a location that does not activate the LED.
Step 5:
Ensure that when the Tag is mounted, it will not interfere
with a docking station.