Note: Make sure that the power supply cable is not live before starting work.
• Measure and make an opening with a diameter of Ø180 mm for the ventilation duct in the external wall
(Fig. 2.1)
Note: The opening diameter should be greater than the external duct diameter to leave room for sealing.
• Loosen the locking screws, then remove the internal front panel
(Fig. 2.2-2.3)
• Disconnect the motor and temperature sensor connectors, then slide out the exchanger/motor block
(Fig. 2.4-2.5)
• Cut the ventilation duct to the appropriate length depending on the wall thickness. Pipe length = wall thi 10 mm
(Fig. 2.6)
• Cut the insulation mat to the appropriate length. The mat should be 11 mm shorter than the duct from the side of the room and 22 mm shorter from the side
of the external body
(Fig. 2.7)
• Place the ventilation duct in the external wall and then seal with installation foam
(Fig. 2.8)
- the duct should be flush with the wall from the inside of the building.
- the duct should be installed with a slight slope to the outside.
Note: Excessive amounts of installation foam can result in the crushing of the ventilation duct.
• Unscrew and then remove the electronics cover
(Fig. 2.9-2.10)
• Unscrew and then remove the cable clamp
• Measure and make openings for mounting dowels of the internal body
(Fig. 2.13-2.14)
• Run the power supply cable in double insulation through the grommet. Run a cable with a sufficient length to enable connection to power terminals after
(Fig. 2.15)
• Place the internal body on the ventilation duct and then attach it using the mounting dowels included in the package
(Fig. 2.15)
• Connect the electric wire to the power supply terminals according to the diagram (Fig. 4), and then secure it with a clamp
(Fig. 2.16-2.17)
• Set the appropriate slider configuration in the appliance controller
(Fig. 2.18)
Note: The slider configuration is described in section CONTROL AND FUNCTIONALITY.
• Place and then screw the electronics cover
(Fig. 2.19)
• Slide the exchanger/motor block into the ventilation duct and then connect the motor and temperature sensor connectors
(Fig. 2.20-2.21)
• Place and then screw the internal front panel
(Fig. 2.22-2.23)
• Loosen the locking screws, then remove the external front panel
(Fig. 2.24-2.25)
• Measure and make openings for mounting dowels of the external body
(Fig. 2.26-2.27)
• Place the external body on the ventilation duct and then attach it using mounting dowels
(Fig. 2.28)
Note: Select the right type of mounting dowels for the type of substrate.
• Place and then screw the external front panel
(Fig. 2.29-2.30)
AHRTH sensor installation procedure
• Determine the sensor installation place (the sensor should be located minimum 1 m from the floor, away from heat sources, such as radiators or TV).
The sensor can be placed by the wall or attached to it.
• Remove the snap-on sensor cover
(Fig. 3.1)
• Insert 2 x AAA (RL03) 1.5 V batteries
(Fig. 3.2)
For wall mounting:
Make an opening and place a dowel/nail in the wall, then hang the sensor using the opening on the back of the housing
(Fig. 3.3-3.5)
• Pair the sensor with the recuperator as described in the section “Functionality”
• Place the sensor cover
(Fig. 3.7)
Włączanie/wyłączanie urządzenia:
To turn on/off the appliance, push the button in the bottom part of the front panel of the appliance or on the remote controller.
Turning the appliance on/off is indicated with the following messages:
Description of remote control buttons:
Torque speed change:
The speed is changed by pushing buttons , , .
Operating mode change:
The operating mode is changed by pushing buttons:
- RECUPERATION mode. The flow direction is changed automatically based on the temperature measurement.
- AIR SUPPLY mode. Continuous operation in the air supply direction.
- AIR EXHAUST mode. Continuous operation in the air exhaust direction.
Control functions:
The control function is activated by pushing buttons:
- HIGRO mode. The rotation speed depends on the set and currently measured humidity.
- TIMER mode. It enables turning off the appliance automatically after
- NIGHT mode (silent). Pushing the button activates the night mode, which will be turned on at the selected clock time
during the day.