A V G 9 I nternet Sec urity © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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which combines something you know (
such as your username and password
) with
something unique that only you can generate instantaneously before logging to a site
a security code in this case
) to verify an identity or to verify a transaction.
For detailed information on
VeriSign Identity Protection
consult the
VeriSign website
VeriSign Identity Protection member websites
button is displayed either in green color
for all recognized VIP
member website
), or in gray color
for all non-VIP member sites or VIP
member sites that the Toolbar does not recognize
). This basically means that the
VeriSign Identity Protection
can only be activated on websites that are members of
the VIP programme (
VIP member sites
VIP network
). A VIP member site is a website
maintained by a company that offers an additional layer of protection to their users
VeriSign Identity Protection
For overview of currently registered websites please visit
How it works?
When you visit a website that is a VIP member,
VeriSign Identity Protection
AVG Security Toolbar
will recognize the site, and inform you about this fact by
displaying the following info panel:
Within this website, you can apply the
VeriSign Identity Protection
, and use the