A V G 9 I nternet Sec urity © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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10.7.1. Settings
In the
Anti-Spam basic settings
dialog you can check/uncheck the
Turn on Anti-
Spam protection
checkbox to allow/forbid the anti-spam scanning of e-mail
communication. This option is on by default, and as always, it is recommended to keep
this configuration unless you have a real reason to change it.
Next, you can also select more or less aggressive scoring measures. The
filter assigns each message a score (
i.e. how similar the message content is to SPAM
based on several dynamic scanning techniques. You can adjust the
Mark message as
spam if score is greater than
setting by either typing the value or by moving the
slider left or right (
the range of values is limited to 50-90
Generally we recommended setting the threshold between 50-90, or if you are really
unsure, to 90. Here is a general review of the scoring threshold:
Value 80-90
- E-mail messages likely to be
will be filtered out. Some
non-spam messages may be incorrectly filtered as well.
Value 60-79
- Considered as a quite aggressive configuration. E-mail
messages that are possibly
will be filtered out. Non-spam messages are
likely to be caught as well.