Pressure Trigger
Range: 0 ~ 20 cmH2O; increments: 0.1 cmH2O.
PSV Insp Termination Level Range: 5 ~ 80%; increments: 5%.
monitored parameters
Inspiratory tidal volume
Range: 0 ~ 2500 mL; Resolution: 1 mL. Error of ± 20mL or
actual value ± 15%, whichever is greater.
Expiratory tidal volume
Range: 0 ~ 2500 mL; Resolution: 1 mL. Error of ± 20mL or
actual value ± 15%, whichever is greater.
Minute ventilation
Range: 0 ~ 60 L / min; Resolution: 0.1 L / min. Error of ±
1L/min or actual value ± 15%, whichever is greater
Spontaneous minute
Range: 0 ~ 60 L / min; Resolution: 0.1 L / min. Error of ±
1L/min or actual value ± 15%, whichever is greater.
Respiratory rate
Range: 0 ~ 100 bpm; Resolution: 1 bpm. Error of ± 2
beats / min or actual value ± 10%, whichever is greater.
Spontaneous breathing
Range: 0 ~ 100 bpm; Resolution: 1 bpm. Error of ± 2
beats / min or actual value ± 10%, whichever is greater.
Respiratory ratio
Range: 30:1 to 1:150; resolution: 0.1. Error of ± 20%,
Peak airway pressure
Range: 0 ~ 100 cmH2O; Resolution: 1 cmH2O. Error of ±
(2% + 4% of full scale actual reading)
Mean airway pressure
Range: 0 ~ 100 cmH2O; Resolution: 1 cmH2O. Error of ±
(2% + 4% of full scale actual reading)
Range: 0 ~ 100 cmH2O; Resolution: 1 cmH2O. Error of ±
(2% + 4% of full scale actual reading)
Inspiratory plateau pressure Range: 0 ~ 100 cmH2O; Resolution: 1 cmH2O. Error of ±
(2% + 4% of full scale actual reading)
Range: 15 to 100%; Resolution: 1%. Error is ± (2.5%
+2.5% of full scale actual reading)
Range: 0 ~ 300 mL/cmH2O; resolution: 1
mL/cmH2O. Error of ± 20% or ± 5 mL/cmH2O, whichever
is greater.
Airway resistance
Range: 0 ~ 600 cmH2O / (L / S); Resolution: 1 cmH2O / (L
/ S). Error of ± 20% or ± 5 cmH2O, whichever is greater.
EtCO2 (optional)
Range: 0 ~ 100 mmHg; Resolution: 1 mmHg. Error is ±
(0.43% of the volume perc 8% of the gas
concentration) is equivalent to the range of optional units
to monitor KPa and mmHg.
Inhalation of carbon dioxide
Range: 0 ~ 100mmHg; Resolution: 1 mmHg. Error is ±
(0.43% of the volume perc 8% of the gas
concentration) is equivalent to the range of optional units
to monitor KPa and mmHg.
Alarm settings
Alarm type
Tidal volume
20 ~ 3000 mL
OFF,10 ~ 2990 mL