Use only soft dry and lint free cloth to clean the display. Do not use any liquid for display
9.2 Disassembling the Breathing System
You need to disassemble the breathing system cleanable parts first before cleaning the system.
9.2.1 Remove the oxygen sensor
Take the O2 sensor from the 3 way connector.
9.2.2 Remove the flow sensor
Take away the flow sensor from the Y connector of breath circuit.
9.2.3 Remove the breath circuit
Take away the breath circuit from the CO2 Circle Absorber
When disassembling the breath circuit, hold the tube connectors at both ends of the tube to
prevent damage to the tube.
Do not reuse the filter. Follow local regulations regarding disposal of hospital waste when the
filter is discarded.
9.2.4 Remove the Bag Arm
1. Loosen the locking nut counterclockwise.
2. Remove the bag arm from the CO2 Circle Absorber.
9.2.5 Remove the bellows Assembly
1. take away the silicon connection tube on the bellow.
2.take back from the metal board to take away the bellow.
3. rotate the plastic cover of bellow and take away it.
4. Move the folding bag from the bellows base.
5. Uninstall the bellows base
6. Remove locking tabs and ring from the bellows base.
9.2.6 Remove the absorber canister
1. Hold the canister’s handle, press the knob and take down the small arm, and remove it.
Soda lime is a caustic substance and is a strong irritant to eyes, skin and respiratory system.
Affected parts should be flushed with water. If irritation continues after flushed by water, seek
medical assistance immediately.
After removing the CO
absorber canister, by-pass assembly can prevent the system from