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IronHorse GSD8 DC Drives User Manual – 1st Ed. Rev. A – 10/15/2019
“Alarm” Output Routing
The “output” of Alarm1 is permanently “routed” to drive the Form-C Relay output on the GSD8 drive
(see Hook-up Diagram, P1-9 through P1-11). The “output” of Alarm2, however, can be Routed (using
Parameter 81) to any one of the three Modbus “slots”, 100, 200 or 500.
GSD8 Alarm “Logic”
NOTE: The “circuitry” shown on the next page is actually implemented in software, not hardware.
Also note that the “switches” on the outputs of the “OR gate”, the “AND gate”, and the “Implied
AND” gate are only under indirect user control. That is, they are set automatically by the action of
other settings that are under user control. For example, the switch on the output of the “OR gate” is
automatically set to the uppermost position as shown on the drawing when Parameter 50 (or 70 for
Alarm2) is set to zero. See the Alarm Logic Application Example on the next page for further details.