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The character echo command is useful when data is to be sent from one remote control
device to another. Normally a remote control device can only send data to the Suite 16 unit to
request a function. For specialized functions such as label copying, the character echo com-
mand can be utilized. The command begins by using a ‘ just like all other commands and is
then followed by E for echo. You then tell the system how many characters you want to echo
in the value of 1 to 255 not including the first 3 characters (‘E and #bytes to send . This is a
binary value, NOT an ASCII value.
SEND to suite16‘E 21 send this to a remote
REPLY from suite16send this to a remote
In the above example “send this to a remote” is 21 characters including the spaces. If you
send less characters than specified, the system will time out after about 1/2 second and take
commands normally for any function. If you send more characters than specified, the echo
will complete after the number of characters specified. Any additional characters will be in-
Suite 16 Video Card V1.1 or V1.2 Protocal Explanation
****this is not yet implemented or must have traces cut to
For Multiple card ie for S-video set to the same room group, There should be a hardware pin
to disable the serial TX as more than one card with the same address could be confusing to
program serially.
has feedback
This function is always active. At anytime any output may be assigned a video input or turned
Feedback will be generated from this command.
Code examples
select video input 1 for output into room 1
select video input 16 for output into room 80
turn video off in room 50